Brewing Cybersecurity Insights

Month: May 2023

OWASP vs. Cybersec.Café’s LLM Top Security Risks

A Follow-Up Comparative Analysis

LLM Top Security Risks
Created with Bing Image Creator

Following our previous exploration of Large Language Models’ (LLMs) security risks, I am now presenting a comparative analysis of the risks highlighted by Cybersec.Café and those identified by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). OWASP is a renowned authority in web application security and has recently published a preliminary list of LLM security risk.

LLM Top Security Risks Comparative Analysis

1. Jailbreaking

This corresponds to several risks in OWASP’s list: LLM03:2023 – Inadequate Sandboxing, LLM04:2023 – Unauthorized Code Execution, LLM05:2023 – SSRF Vulnerabilities, LLM08:2023 – Insufficient Access Controls, and LLM09:2023 – Improper Error Handling.

In my perspective, Jailbreaking refers to the process of gaining unauthorized access to and control over an LLM’s underlying systems or processes, while OWASP risks might pertain more to the system or application underpinning the LLM rather than the LLM itself. While jailbreaking could serve as an entry point for exploiting these OWASP risks, the mitigation strategies may not be fully effective in all cases.

By articulating these risks separately, OWASP’s approach might help define individual mitigation actions.

2. (Direct) Prompt injection, 3. Second-order injections

These risks directly align with OWASP’s LLM01:2023 – Prompt Injections, although OWASP’s category encompasses all forms of prompt injections.

4. Data Poisoning

This directly aligns with OWASP’s LLM10:2023 – Training Data Poisoning.

5. Misinformation

This risk somewhat corresponds to OWASP’s LLM06:2023 – Overreliance on LLM-generated Content, especially in scenarios where overreliance results in misinformation. However, OWASP’s category includes other potential issues, such as bias, making it more comprehensive.

6. Malicious content generation

This risk intersects with OWASP’s LLM07:2023 – Inadequate AI Alignment. The link might seem tenuous, but the principle remains that an LLM’s use case should not be creating malicious content.

7. Weaponization, 8. LLM-delivered attacks

These risks overlap with OWASP’s LLM04:2023 – Unauthorized Code Execution and LLM07:2023 – Inadequate AI Alignment. These risks underscore the potential for LLMs to be exploited for malicious purposes, be it coding malware or delivering attacks.

9. Abuse of vertical LLM APIs

This risk relates to OWASP’s LLM07:2023 – Inadequate AI Alignment and LLM08:2023 – Insufficient Access Controls. Poor AI alignment could potentially lead to misuse of the LLM, and similarly, poor access control could result in unauthorized actions.

10. Privacy and Data Leakage

This risk directly corresponds to OWASP’s LLM02:2023 – Data Leakage.


In creating this top 10 and comparing it with OWASP’s list, I observed that the key differences lie in the granularity and standardization of terminology.

The field of LLM security is still relatively nascent, and there is a noticeable need for standardization of terms. This comparison has shed light on this fact.

I hope that OWASP’s risk list will bring the critical security considerations for LLMs into sharper focus, laying a solid foundation for further discussions and the development of security measures in this rapidly evolving technology sphere.

The Top 10 Large Language Models Security Risks

Understanding the Top 10 Security Risks Associated with Large Language Models (LLMs)

Top 10 Large Language Models Security Risks
Image by Bing Image Creator


Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and natural language processing, but with great power comes great responsibility. As LLMs become increasingly prevalent, it’s essential to understand the potential security risks they pose.

In light of OWASP’s recent announcement of the OWASP Top 10 Risk for Large Language Model Applications, this article aims to explore my perspective on the top 10 security risks associated with LLMs. I am eager to compare and contrast these risks with the ones OWASP will publish.

Cybersec.Cafè Top 10 Large Language Models Security Risks

  1. Jailbreaking: Bypassing the security measures of an LLM to gain unauthorized control and exploit it for malicious purposes.
  2. Prompt injection: Crafting prompts to influence the model’s output, which can lead to biased, offensive, or harmful text generation.
  3. Second-order injections: Advanced prompt injection techniques, where the prompt itself is generated by an LLM, making it harder to detect and prevent attacks. Note: I’m not considering cross-content injections (a type of prompt injection where the prompt is generated in one context and then used to generate text in another context – this can be used to generate text that is relevant to the first context but harmful in the second context) as I consider still as in between of both risk 2 and 3
  4. Data poisoning: Injecting malicious data into the training dataset, resulting in biased or harmful outputs. Rigorous validation and monitoring are crucial to mitigate this risk. This is actually a Machine Learning (ML) risk that extend to LLMs being that their training is ML based.
  5. Misinformation: Unintentional contribution to the spread of misinformation or support for creating misinformation campaigns.
  6. Malicious content generation: Misusing LLMs to generate persuasive or believable text for phishing or social engineering attacks.
  7. Weaponization: Misusing LLMs to support coding malware or potentially even for malware detection evasion (still a theoretical threat) by generating malware code that evades traditional endpoint detection and response scanners. For example, an LLM could be used to generate malware code that is not detected by traditional Endpoint Detection and Response scanners as the code is generated by an LLM that provides it via API.
  8. LLM-delivered attacks: Using LLMs to deceive users and obtain sensitive information or launch cyber attacks. For example, an LLM could be used to ask a user for sensitive information such as their passwords or credit card number.
  9. Abuse of vertical LLM APIs: Exploiting LLMs for purposes outside their intended use cases, potentially undermining the intended business model.
  10. Privacy: LLMs are trained on massive datasets that contain also personal information, raising privacy concerns if the models generate text like the confidential data it was trained from. This happens for instance with Inference Attacks or Model Inversion Attacks these attacks attempt to infer or recreate information about the training data from the outputs of an ML model.

Some other thoughts


While the risks associated with LLMs may seem challenging, we don’t know yet if they are insurmountable. As of today, we still lack comprehensive solutions to mitigate most of these risks compared to other security domains like applications and mobile devices. Additionally, due to the “black box” nature of LLMs, understanding their inner workings presents challenges in determining the appropriate security measures to adopt. Furthermore, regulatory frameworks surrounding LLM use are still evolving, as discussed in my geopolitical analysis of the ChatGPT block in Italy.

LLM security contains a multitude of unknown unknowns, and it necessitates further research and mitigation strategies to effectively safeguard against these risks. Awareness serves as the critical first step towards achieving effective cybersecurity if it will be ever possible to reach it.

Recommended Readings

To delve deeper into the topic, I recommend reading the following insightful resources:


Relying on Security-by-Luck

The Interplay of Risk, Investment, and… Luck in Cybersecurity

Photo by Djalma Paiva Armelin from Pexels

Last weekend, I came across a LinkedIn post illustrating how numerous companies were breached despite having SOC2, ISO 27001, and PCI-DSS certifications. This observation prompted me to reflect.

Initially, my thought was that there isn’t a direct correlation. The data set is rather small and doesn’t account for all the certified companies that have avoided breaches. Furthermore, certification is a form of assurance that some level of security is in place, signaling to potential attackers that there is valuable data worth protecting.

In the cybersecurity realm, we frequently emphasize robust defense mechanisms, proactive risk assessments, and constant vigilance. Today, however, I want to navigate less charted territory: “security-by-luck”.

What do you mean with Security-by-Luck?

My definition of “Security-by-luck” would be the situation where a company, despite having weak or inadequate security measures, remains unbreached due to factors outside its control, such as the attackers’ choices, capabilities, or sheer chance.

To clarify, I’m not endorsing this as a strategic approach – that would be reckless. Rather, I aim to highlight a crucial facet of cybersecurity – the constant interplay of risk, investment, and a dose of luck.

In a previous article, I discussed on the challenge of defining ‘how much security is enough’. No matter how much an organization invests in security, the threat of an attack persists. Conversely, not all lightly-defended organizations will suffer breaches, too lightly defended (even if those that are inadequately defended become low-hanging fruit for cybercriminals). However, over-investment in security isn’t the solution either, as organizations have other business objectives to meet. So, the question arises, where do we draw the line?

I’m not suggesting that companies should stop investing in cybersecurity and merely hope for the best. Instead, I want to stress the importance of making calculated risks.

To illustrate this, consider four hypothetical companies, each investing differently in cybersecurity…

The contenders:

  • Company A: Does the bare minimum for security (e.g., has an antivirus installed)
  • Company B: Complies with statutory requirements and uses common sense
  • Company C: Adheres to a cybersecurity standard and has obtained certification (like SOC 2, ISO 27001, PCI-DSS, HITRUST, etc.)
  • Company D: Follows all major best practices and has adopted bleeding-edge security solutions

Each of these companies, regardless of their investment level, can either be breached or remain secure. Here’s how:

Vulnerabilities-based Attacks:

  • A vulnerability in their system gets exploited – Company A gets breached.
  • Company B, which patches vulnerabilities quarterly, gets breached when an attacker exploits a flaw within the time window before it gets patched.
  • Even Company C, which patches vulnerabilities monthly, gets hacked, as the attackers were quicker on their feet.
  • Company D has no known unpatched vulnerabilities (a near impossibility in real life, but let’s go with it). However, there’s a zero-day vulnerability that they aren’t aware of (I know this is the definition of zero day). An attacker discovers and exploits it – Company D gets breached.

Let’s assume, for a moment, that all these companies understand this risk and decide to have all vulnerabilities patched (again a near impossibility) and are lucky there aren’t any unexploited zero-day vulnerabilities. You might think they’re safe. But what if an attacker targets their people instead?

People-based Attacks:

  • An attacker successfully executes a phishing attack on Company A, leading to a breach.
  • Despite having good email security and having conducted a phishing simulation last year, Company B falls prey to a successful social engineering attack.
  • Company C suffers a sophisticated MFA fatigue attack and gets breached.
  • In Company D, an attacker bribes an employee to gain access to the system (including credentials and MFA, as seen in the Lapsus$ attacks last year).

Even if the organization decide to invest in a solid cyber culture and luckily their employees are equipped with strong ethics to resist such attempts, are the potential threats truly over?

Unfortunately, no, the threats aren’t over. They are susceptible to…

Supply Chain Attacks:

The attack surface extends to vendors, giving birth to a new cycle of vulnerabilities and people-based attacks. Hence, even Company D could harbor cybersecurity points of failure within their supply chain.

Luck is Not a Strategy

In essence, cybersecurity isn’t merely about investment levels; it’s also about the complex interplay of factors that contribute to a company’s overall risk profile. Even the most secure organization cannot completely rule out the possibility of a breach. Given the dynamic nature of the landscape, absolute security is a virtual impossibility, making a small element of ‘luck’ an undeniable part of the equation.

Regrettably, many companies have relied solely on this ‘luck’ factor for so long that they’ve now become easy targets.

‘Security-by-Luck’ should not be a strategy in itself, but understanding its role in the broader cybersecurity framework is essential. The goal should always be to optimize investment, maintain a robust defense mechanism, foster employee awareness, and devise sound strategies to mitigate potential risks, including supply chain risks. This involves striking a balance, understanding that no solution offers 100% protection, and ensuring readiness to respond effectively (by having incident response plans and exercises conducted) if or when a breach occurs by conducting regular incident response plans and exercises.


In conclusion, while we can’t depend entirely on luck, or as the Cybersecurity community usually call it, the residual-risk, acknowledging its existence, could make us more attuned to the realities of the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. The presence of residual risk is an undeniable part of cybersecurity, and acknowledging without relying on it might encourage a more realistic approach towards cybersecurity strategy and implementation.

The Pros and Cons of vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service

Navigating the Challenges of Cybersecurity Leadership

The Pros and Cons of vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service
Image by Bing Images Creator


Virtual CISO – vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service are emerging as popular options for organizations looking to strengthen their cybersecurity posture without hiring a full-time CISO. Sorry for the over-simplification but it would basically be a part-time Security Expert acting as a CISO. While these services offer certain benefits, they also come with potential drawbacks. In this article, we’ll explore the advantages and challenges of vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service and discuss how to find the right balance.

The Benefits of vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service

  1. Access to expertise: vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service can provide organizations with the cybersecurity expertise they might not have in-house. This can be especially valuable for smaller companies or those just starting their security journey. Please note that security professionals are a hot commodity, and organizations should ensure they are using resources with the right skills. For example, someone who configured firewalls might be considered a (Network) Security Expert, but will they be the right expert to define a long term Cybersecurity strategy?
  2. Temporary solution: vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service can serve as a temporary measure to fill the gap in cybersecurity leadership, especially when organizations face difficulties in hiring a full-time CISO or during transitional periods.
  3. Flexibility: vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service offer flexibility for organizations experiencing transition or growth. These services can be scaled up or down according to the organization’s needs, providing a tailored solution to their cybersecurity challenges.

The Limitations of vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service

  1. Accountability: While vCISOs and CISO-as-a-Service providers hold a “C” in their title, they may not have the same level of accountability as a full-time, in-house CISO. Organizations looking to meet ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) requirements may need a more accountable figure in the role. In other words, did you ever see a vCFO or a CFO-as-a-Service?
  2. Integration, Authority, and Long-term Strategy: vCISOs and CISO-as-a-Service providers may not have the same level of authority within an organization, potentially limiting their ability to effectively integrate with various departments and functions. Moreover, due to the limited length of their contract and insufficient knowledge of the company (technology, processes, people, and culture), they may struggle to plan and implement a comprehensive, long-term security strategy, leading to a focus on quick wins instead.
  3. Conflict of Interest: If a vCISO or CISO-as-a-Service provider is affiliated with a company that sells or provides cybersecurity services, there may be a conflict of interest. This can result in a lack of neutrality, which could affect their advice and recommendations and even questionable decision-making. Especially because they are not accountable (see point 1, jointly with this point it is a potential recipe for disaster). However affiliation it is not necessary a bad thing as it would allow to involve specific vertical competencies of other Subject Matter Experts when necessary.
  4. Incident Management: A CISO is expected to be involved in the management of cyber incidents. A vCISO, being part-time, might struggle to handle multiple major incidents simultaneously for different clients, potentially prioritizing the one that pays better or has a longer contract remaining.

Finding the Right Balance

While vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service can be valuable solutions for organizations in transition, small businesses part of bigger groups with real CISOs (in this case I also saw a case of an internal CISO-as-a-Service, and this appears to be a great idea) and scaleup companies, it’s essential to consider potential limitations and conflicts of interest. Ideally, organizations should work towards cultivating internal talent to eventually assume the CISO role.
In cases where a trusted internal candidate is not yet ready or a CISO has recently resigned, vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service can be effective interim solutions to put paper over the cracks. However, it’s essential to ensure that the chosen provider is competent, neutral, dedicated to the organization’s best interests, and ideally has knowledge of the industry. Moreover, organizations should make sure that someone internally is identified (e.g., COO or CIO) to be accountable.


I may be biased since I was an advisor for a long period of my career, but these services are not that different from the “old approach,” which is still an alternative: using strategic consultancies and in-house IT and/or system integrators to complete projects. What matters is recognizing the importance of security, regardless of whether the person helping them is called a CISO-on-demand or a security advisor.

vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service can provide much-needed cybersecurity expertise, especially for small businesses and scaleup companies.

When considering the use of vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service, it is essential for organizations to carefully assess the benefits and limitations of these options. By taking into account factors such as access to expertise, competencies (and not just title and certifications), flexibility, accountability, integration, authority, long-term strategy, conflict of interest and involvement in case of incidents, businesses can make informed decisions about whether these services are the right fit for their cybersecurity strategy.

Ultimately, fostering internal talent and working towards a full-time CISO role may be the best long-term solution. Small businesses and organizations in transition can benefit from the expertise and flexibility offered by vCISO and CISO-as-a-Service but must have a holistic approach in selecting a provider who can effectively address their unique cybersecurity challenges and should continuously reevaluate their cybersecurity needs and ensure that their chosen option remains effective .

The Need for a Passwordless Future

AI, Password Cracking, and the Shift to Modern MFA

The Need for a Passwordless Future: AI, Password Cracking, and the Shift to Modern MFA
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels


As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, it’s becoming increasingly easier for it to crack passwords. This alarming statistic highlights the need for a passwordless future, where modern Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) methods like FIDO 2 replace traditional, less secure methods.

The Power of AI in Password Cracking:

According to HomeSecurityHeroes, even a seemingly strong password can fall prey to AI-powered attacks in a matter of seconds. In fact, 51% of common passwords can be cracked in less than a minute.

Hive systems confirms this and add that even a brute-force attack using a consumer-budget desktop computer with a top-tier graphics card, or leveraging cloud compute resources, can yield worrisome results.

With the rapid evolution in AI, it’s becoming more important than ever to start evaluating a passwordless future to ensure the security of our digital assets.

Why We Should Move to Passwordless?

A passwordless future offers numerous benefits, as outlined in this Help Net Security article. Moving to passwordless solutions can:

  1. Improve security by eliminating the risk of weak or reused passwords.
  2. Enhance user experience, as there’s no need to remember complex passwords.
  3. Reduce the cost and time associated with password management.
  4. Facilitate a more straightforward and secure remote work environment.

Oh nice, but why can’t I just use a password manager and with long complex and unique passwords?

While password managers offer protection against password cracking, they are not a foolproof solution. We will cover the advantages and disadvantages of password managers in a future article, but it’s important to remember that they are not a substitute for moving towards a passwordless future.

Ok, So why can’t I just use MFA?

That’s a great idea, and I already wrote about the flaws of traditional MFA methods and merits of modern secure ones here and here so I won’t repeat myself but I’ll continue to suggest adopting modern MFA, eventually as an in between step towards a passwordless future.


As the ease of password cracking increases, the need for a passwordless future becomes more pressing. By moving away from traditional password-based authentication, organizations can significantly enhance their cybersecurity posture and protect their valuable digital assets.

Ok, so I just have to go for passwordless and that will solve all the problems?

Well, no (sorry, I tricked you – that wasn’t the conclusion of the article).

It’s essential to be cautious and understand the limits of technologies when implementing passwordless and MFA solutions. For instance, simply using a prompt-based MFA can leave users vulnerable to MFA prompt flooding attacks or other social engineering attacks.

Imagine removing the password and having users susceptible to MFA flooding attacks, where the attacker doesn’t even need to steal the credential first.

Microsoft is aware of this issue, which is why they offer passwordless authentication and are enabling number matching MFA for all Microsoft Authenticator users (here I describe the difference between this method and the prompt-based approach).

The Need for a Passwordless Future – Real conclusion/recommendation

First, adopt a modern MFA solution, considering its potential limits. Then, start moving away from traditional password-based authentication. This way, organizations can significantly enhance their cybersecurity posture and protect their valuable digital assets.

My Top Popular LinkedIn Posts for April 2023 🚀

April has been an eventful month in the world of cybersecurity, especially with the ChatGPT block saga taking center stage.

Let’s dive into the top popular LinkedIn posts that sparked discussions and caught some attention:

  1. Espionage Campaign Linked to Russian Intelligence: Prioritizing human security in the face of cyber threats 🕵️
  2. Darktrace NDR apparently was Hacked: A shocking revelation 😲 and its follow-up Darktrace NDR Hacked Update: A surprising turn of events 🚨
  3. Importance of Security Exercises: my interview discussing preparation of organizations for cyber incidents through regular exercises 🛡️
  4. ICO Fines TikTok 127£ Milion for Misusing Children’s Data💷

The Chat GPT saga (to put the saga in context start with my analysis on Unraveling the ChatGPT Block in Italy, shedding light on the geopolitical implications of AI and Privacy regulation 🌐 also on this site ):

  1. ChatGPT Confidentiality Issues: The risks of AI leaking sensitive information 🤯
  2. Italian DPA Blocks ChatGPT: Regulating AI to protect user privacy 🚫
  3. OpenAI Collaborates with Italian DPA: A partnership to ensure AI compliance 👥
  4. German DPA Jumps in: Safeguarding user data across borders 🇩🇪
  5. EDPB Taskforce on ChatGPT: Addressing data protection concerns on a European level 🌐
  6. ChatGPT Unblock and Resuming Services: A compliant AI returns to the market 🟢 and ChatGPT’s Italian Comeback 🇮🇹

With the exception of the aforementioned article linked to the ChatGPT Saga I’m not considering contents of this blog, even if you find those on LinkedIn these are contents of this blog.

Be sure to check back next month for another roundup of the most popular LinkedIn posts! 

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